Buddhist Song and Moves, Character Education Learning Media, 2013 Curiculum, Buddhis Education, Primary SchoolAbstract
This study aims to determine the process of making Buddhist song and moves as character education learning media based on the 2013 Curriculum for students of Kenteng 1 Elementary School Susukan Sub district, Semarang Regency. This type of research is Research and Development (RnD) level 4. The techniques for collecting data used observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The credibility of the data used is qualitative and quantitative methods. The data analysis technique used a combination of Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods. Based on the research and discussion that had been carried out, the process of making moves and song based on 2013 Curriculum consisted of several stages as follows: (a) analyze, the teacher needed student-centered learning media and which contains character values. This need was followed up so as to produce two Buddhist song and moves products. (b) design, the steps taken include the creation of musical instruments and song lyrics; development of moves; recorded music, vocals, and moves. (c) develop, products that were developed contained character values such as obedience to worship, tolerance, caring, confidence, responsibility, discipline, and concentration. (d) implement, the product was tested on the first and second grade students, as many as nine students. (e) evaluate, improvements that needed to be considered were musical arrangements and expressions of the performer and song. The end result is the Buddhist song and moves with the title "Namaskhara" and "Learning Mudra" tested in the form of videos on DVD.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan gerak dan lagu Buddhis sebagai media pembelajaran pendidikan karakter berbasis Kurikulum 2013 bagi siswa SD Negeri Kenteng 1 Kecamatan Susukan, Kabupaten Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (RnD) level 4. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kredibilitas data yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Adapun teknik analisis data yang menggunakan metode kombinasi tipe Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods. Berdasarkan penelitian dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan maka proses pembuatan gerak dan lagu berbasis Kurikulum 2013 terdiri dari beberapa tahap sebagai berikut: (a) analyze, guru membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa dan mengandung nilai karakter. Kebutuhan ini ditindaklanjuti sehingga menghasilkan dua produk gerak dan lagu Buddhis. (b) design, langkah-langkah yang dilakukan meliputi penciptaan instrumen musik dan lirik lagu; pengembangan gerak; rekaman musik, vokal, dan gerak. (c) develop, produk yang dikembangkan mengandung nilai karakter seperti ketaatan beribadah, toleransi, peduli, percaya diri, tanggung jawab, disiplin, dan konsentrasi. (d) implement, produk diujicobakan kepada siswa kelas satu dan dua yang berjumlah sembilan anak. (e) evaluate, perbaikan yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu aransemen musik dan ekspresi pelaku gerak dan lagu. Hasil akhirnya adalah gerak dan lagu Buddhis dengan judul “Namaskhara” dan “Belajar Mudra” teruji berbentuk video dalam DVD.
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