Tentang Jurnal Ini


Open access policy
It provides open submission to all researchers, lecturers, and practitioners. Articles in this journal are freely available to the public for global exchange knowledge.

Focus and Scope
Pencerahan journal provides high quality and original research papers from researchers, lecturers and practitioners. The focus of this journal includes three main fields i.e. education, social, and religion.

Publication Ethics
Articles which are submitted to the Pencerahan Journal have to fulfill the publication ethics. Some ethics and duties of authors, reviewers, and chief editor are as follows:

Duties of Authors
1. Must be responsible to ensure that only new and original work is submitted.
2. Must not reproduce work that has been previously published in other journals.
3. Must not submit any articles that are being reviewed or considered by one journal to other journals simultaneously.
4. Are only allowed to publish their work elsewhere after receiving a formal rejection from the journal or if withdrawal to their work is officially requested , and accepted by the journal.
5. Must inform the Chief Editor or the publisher of any inaccuracy of data in their published work so that correction or retraction of the article can be done.

Duties of Editors
1. Must disclose any competing interest before agreeing to review a submission.
2. Can refuse to review any submission due to a conflict of interest or inadequate knowledge.
3. Review all submissions objectively, fairly and professionally.
4. Reveal any ethical misconduct encountered while reviewing to the Chief Editor for further actions.
5. Should ensure the originality of a submission and be alert to any plagiarism and redundant publication.

Duties of Chief Editor
1. Evaluate manuscripts fairly.
2. Ensure confidentiality of manuscripts and not disclose any information regarding manuscripts to anyone other than the people involved in the publishing process.
3. Have the responsibility to decide when and which articles are to be published.
4. Actively seek the views from reviewers and authors on how to improve/ increase the quality of the journal.
5. Give clear instructions to potential contributors on the submission process and what is expected of the authors.
6. Ensure appropriate reviewers are selected/ identified for the reviewing process.

Start printing the publishing: February 2009
Start the online publishing: February 2018
Fields: Education, Social. and Religion
Accreditation: Unaccredited
Change of Logo, Cover, and Template of Journal: February 2019